Sittin' & Knittin'

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I decided to add this Blog to chronicle my adventures in Knitting and Quilting...  I've made many quilts over the years.  It all started more than 20 years ago when my family was invited to spend a few days in Provincetown.  I had two close friends in our Neighborhood when my kids were younger.  They have since relocated and we have lost touch, but we had such treasured times when our kids were young!!  The three families stayed in a house on the beach in P-town.  I was taken aback by all the quilts on every bed in the house!!  So comfy and inviting...  It was then that I was inspired to try my hand at quilting.

Weeks later, I was supposed to head to Block Island with my friend Janice for the day.  We were rained out and the ferry was not making the trip, so...  off to Sturbridge we went and just happened upon a Quilt Shop.  At the time my kids, Laura and Scott, were sharing a room.  They had bunk beds and I decided to make color co-ordinated quilts for their beds...   I chose three common fabrics with solid navy, a floral and a navy polka dot.  I then added pink fabrics to Laura's Quilt and green fabrics to Scott's.  I used the Trip Around the World pattern by Elizabeth Burns.  The directions were so clear, and I was on a mission.  Within the week, the quilts were on the beds.

A Picture will soon follow (once I find it ;-)

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